Base layers
- Basecoat model with Chaos Black
- Many, so many, layers of Averland Sunset on the backpack, torso and back, as well as one kneepad
- Use Abaddon Black to clean up any spots of yellow where it isn't supposed to be
- Main body of the weapons and the purity seal wax with Khorne Red
- Mephiston Red for the helmet lenses
- Iron Warriors for the metal parts on the weapons and boots, and the exhaust vents on the backback.
- Runelord Brass for the aquila
Shading and higlights
- Reikland Fleshshade in the recesses of the yellow armour parts
- Evil Sunz Scarlet as an edge highlight on the weapons
- Yriel Yellow as an edge highlight for the Averland Sunset
- And Pallid Wych Flesh as another minor edge highlight on that yellow
- Highlight the silvers with Stormhost Silver
- And the black with Administratum Grey
- Finally, use Wraithbone for the purity seal paper, and shade it with Agrax Earthshade