Mole warrioress B&B

  • Written by
  • Published
    19 Dec 2020
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  1. Brown fur: Ebony Flesh wash with Nuln Oil , highlight with Harvest Brown
  2. Hands and feet: Scholar Flesh , wash with Nuln Oil , highlight with Scholar Flesh
  3. Nose: Mix 3 parts Scholar Flesh with 1 part Brilliant Red , wash with Nuln Oil
  4. Paint claws with Ivory , wash with Agrax Earthshade , highlight with Ivory
  5. Paint eyes with Pure Black and make highlights with Dragon White


  1. Shirt/tunic: Underpaint with Bleached Linen , paint two quarters with Marigold Yellow , and the other two with Heather Blue . Shade with Nuln Oil , highlight with mixes of original colors and Bleached Linen
  2. Cloak: Underpaint with Bleached Linen , paint with Mountain Stone . Shade with Nuln Oil , highlight with Mountain Stone and a mix of Mountain Stone and Bleached Linen
  3. Leather bits: Harvest Brown
  4. Armor, sword, bits around gems, and sheath bits: Aluminum Metallic , shade with Nuln Oil
  5. Sword sheath and handle, back of shield: Dark Highlights
  6. Paint Shield with Mountain Stone undercoat, then half with Marigold Yellow and the other half with Heather Blue
  7. Gemstones: Paint with Burnt Orange , shadows with Nuln Oil , highlight with Orange , shines with Dragon White
Citadel Painting System
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl
Base 3
  • 007 Orange
  • 023 Ivory
  • 037 Burnt Orange
Reaper Master Series 11
Base 5
  • 9007 Marigold Yellow
  • 9037 Pure Black
  • 9042 Dark Highlights
  • 9200 Harvest Brown
  • 9231 Heather Blue
Bones 5
  • 9433 Mountain Stone
  • 9436 Bleached Linen
  • 9439 Dragon White
  • 9440 Ebony Flesh
  • 9444 Scholar Flesh
High density 1
  • 29802 Brilliant Red
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.062 Aluminum Metallic
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