HeroForge Mormo

  • Written by
  • Published
    10 Dec 2023
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Painted for Harrison for his 22nd birthday and college graduation.

  1. Rough zenithal highlight drybrush with Bold Titanium White
  2. Skin: under coat with Bold Titanium White and base coat with Faded Plum . Shade with Druchii Violet . Highlight with Glaze Medium and Faded Plum
  3. Mask, gloves, undershirt: base coat with Dark Warm Grey , wash with Agrax Earthshade . Highlight with Warm Grey .
  4. Boots: base coat with Warm Grey , wash with Nuln Oil all over and Agrax Earthshade near the bottom. Highlight with Warm Grey and paint buckles with Steel Metallic , wash with Nuln Oil .
  5. Pants: base coat with Dark Highlights , wash with Agrax Earthshade . Highlight with mixes of Harvest Brown , Dark Highlights , and Bold Titanium White . Shade with Agrax Earthshade .
  6. Tunic: base coat with Harvest Brown , wash with Agrax Earthshade . Highlight with mixes of Harvest Brown , Dark Highlights , and Bold Titanium White .
  7. Wood: base coat with Dark Highlights , wash with Agrax Earthshade . Highlight with mixes of Harvest Brown , Dark Highlights , and Bold Titanium White . Shade with Agrax Earthshade .
  8. Hair: base coat with Pure Black , wash with Nuln Oil . Highlight with mixes of Pure Black and Warm Grey , then wash with Nuln Oil .
  9. Silver metal: under coat with Pure Black , paint with Steel Metallic , wash with Nuln Oil and then add more highlights with Steel Metallic
  10. Scarf: base coat Burnt Red , wash with Agrax Earthshade . Highlight with Burnt Red then mixed with Bold Pyrrole Red , then pure Bold Pyrrole Red , then mixed with Candlelight Yellow .
  11. Base: Paint stones with mixes of Pure Black and Warm Grey , roots with Dark Highlights . Wash with mixes of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade . Heavy drybrush ground with Woodland Brown then darken with Agrax Earthshade then drybrush with Woodland Brown . Drybrush stone with Warm Grey then Bright Warm Grey . Add homemade flock as moss and paint mushrooms with Bold Pyrrole Red and Burnt Red with Bold Titanium White spots.
  12. Magic: base coat with Bold Titanium White , drybrush magic and surrounding arm with White Blue , then Grey Blue , then Sky Blue . Keeping the lighter colors closes to the magic.
Citadel Painting System
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Druchii Violet
  • Nuln Oil
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 10
Base 9
  • 001 Bold Titanium White
  • 003 Bold Pyrrole Red
  • 008 Burnt Red
  • 012 Sky Blue
  • 015 Bright Warm Grey
  • 016 Dark Warm Grey
  • 055 Grey Blue
  • 063 Faded Plum
  • 074 Warm Grey
Signature Series: Vince Venturella 1
  • S04 White Blue
Reaper Master Series 5
Base 3
  • 9037 Pure Black
  • 9042 Dark Highlights
  • 9200 Harvest Brown
Bones 1
  • 9408 Candlelight Yellow
High density 1
  • 29828 Woodland Brown
Vallejo Auxiliaries
Base 1
  • 70.596 Glaze Medium
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.065 Steel Metallic
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