90's Creative geek, Cis-Pan, She/ Her I have been mini painting on and off since about 2015-2016. One of the very first sets I painted (and typically never finished.....) were a few of the Dark Elder minis, as well as later on the Get Started Age of Sigmar Slaves To Darkness box, and from then on... things got messy as the Pile of Shame/ Potential/ Opportunity began to get out of control! I would be lucky to call my self an average painter on my better/ luckier days, if I were able to be more consistent I think I'd be further along where I'd like to be, but I tend to be very flighty on what project to continue (I think in part to my ADHD).. I am looking forward to this website, I don't think I have anything wondrous or interesting to share, but I like to be a part of the community, and perhaps there may be something helpful as a concept or something, I don't know. I think it will also be helpful to recall what the hell I used, as well as seeing amazing peoples.
16 March 2024