Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White
Nuln Oil (or thinned cheap black acrylic paint) to the wood panelling and window panes, following the grain
While the black is still wet, roughly add patches of Athonian Camoshade over it
Drybrush Pallid Wych Flesh over the wood panelling and window panes, against the grain
Dusk Red over the windows and arrow slits
Gunner Camo over the door
Nuclear Sunrise over the thatched roofing. Do not overload the brush to avoid pooling at the bottom
Apply rough patches of Agrax Earthshade and Reikland Fleshshade to the thatching
Thinned Iron Warriors to door details and crossbeam rivets