Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White
Satchel Brown on belts, straps, wood
Slaughter Red on sleeves and inner tunic, weapon grips
Gravelord Grey on boots, gloves, trousers, plume
Mix 4 parts Absolution Green and 2 parts Speedpaint Medium and apply to shields and cloaks
Apply a second coat of the Absolution Green / Speedpaint Medium mix to the cloaks
Aged Hide on faces
Nuclear Sunrise on hair and beards
Biel-Tan Green to shields and cloaks
Thinned Corax White to shield details
Thinned Broadsword Silver to steel
Thinned Golden Armour to gold
Reikland Fleshshade over belts, wood, gold, hair, beards
Nuln Oil over steel, boots, gloves, trousers, plume
Druchii Violet over underclothes
Thinned Warpstone Glow to highlight the shields and cloaks
Thinned Screaming Skull to highlight hair and beard