Blue Gryphound

Blue Gryphound

  • Written by
  • Published
    18 Mar 2021
  • Shareable URL


  1. Prime Grey
  2. Zenithal prime White


  1. Base coat dirt Dark Flesh Tone
  2. Base coat stone Stone Wall Grey
  3. Base coat leaves Olive Green
  4. Base coat vines German Camouflage Black Brown
  5. Wash dirt, leaves and vines Strong Tone
  6. Wash stone Dark Tone
  7. Drybrush stone Stone Wall Grey White (1:1)
  8. Basecoat rim German Camouflage Black Brown

Blue skin

  1. Base coat Glacier Blue
  2. Wash Blue Tone
  3. Drybrush Glacier Blue


  1. Base coat Blue Tone
  2. Thin stripes Black Water (1:3)
  3. Corrections Glacier Blue Water (1:1)


  1. Basecoat Dark Prussian Blue
  2. Light drybrush Glacier Blue
  3. Wash Blue Tone

Head and tail

  1. Basecoat Glacier Blue
  2. Layer face (keep the blue in the recesses) White
  3. Basecoat Beak Deep Yellow
  4. Layer beak end Black
  5. Wetblend beak transition Black Bright Orange Deep Yellow
  6. Wash Soft Tone
  7. Hedge HL face and fur White
  8. Layer eyes Blue Green
  9. Pin wash mouth and nostrils Dark Tone

Leather and Gold

  1. Basecoat both leather and gold parts Saddle Brown
  2. Layer leather German Camouflage Black Brown
  3. Layer gold Retributor Armour
  4. Wash Strong Tone
  5. HL leather German Camouflage Black Brown Glacier Blue (2:1)
  6. Extreme HL leather German Camouflage Black Brown Glacier Blue (1:1)
  7. HL Gold Retributor Armour


  1. Basecoat White
  2. Wash Dark Tone
  3. HL White

Starred by Anex



Painting minis since 2018 (over 100 by March 2021). I try to achieve serviceable and cool paintjobs the easiest way possible. Hope my recipes help!

Citadel Painting System
Base 1
  • Retributor Armour
The Army Painter Warpaints 4
Wash 1
  • Blue Tone
Quickshade 3
  • Dark Tone
  • Soft Tone
  • Strong Tone
Vallejo Game Color
Base 3
  • 72.044 Dark Flesh Tone
  • 72.049 Stone Wall Grey
  • 72.095 Glacier Blue
Vallejo Hobby Spray Paint
Base 2
  • 28.010 White
  • 28.011 Grey
Vallejo Model Color
Base 9
  • 70.808 Blue Green
  • 70.822 German Camouflage Black Brown
  • 70.851 Bright Orange
  • 70.899 Dark Prussian Blue
  • 70.915 Deep Yellow
  • 70.940 Saddle Brown
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.967 Olive Green
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