Warhipster's recipe for death corp of Krieg

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  • Published
    03 Dec 2021
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Looking to pain the Death Korps of Krieg I got with my Kill Team set. This scheme looks really good.

Base Coats with Contrast and Contrast Mixes

  1. 3/1 Mix Ultramarine Blue 1 Space Wolves Grey Longcoat
  2. Space Wolves Grey Trousers and Cuffs (can also be used to further shade the longcoat)
  3. Skeleton Horde Wraps around the boots + gas mask + bedroll
  4. Wyldwood Leather starting point (boots / gloves / straps / pouches)
  5. Iron Warriors Silver (blade / mechanical areas of the bolter / metallic parts of the luggage / buckle / armor pannels i.e. shoulder pads and helmet)
  6. Basilicanum Grey Shading the silver (except armor pannels)
  7. Basilicanum Grey Casing of the bolt pistol
  8. Basilicanum Grey Tube of the gas mask
  9. Black Templar Casing and tube of the gas mask
  10. Black Templar Black leather (boots / gloves)
  11. Black Templar Shoulder pad / helmet
  12. Retributor Armour Guard of the sword /aquilas
  13. Fyreslayer Flesh Shade the gold

Next level (i.e. optional)

  1. Iron Hands Steel Rough stipple on armor pannels (i.e. battle damage)
  2. Iron Hands Steel Highlight all black armor and silver details
  3. Basilicanum Grey Over the distressed armor pannels (not a lot and on the flat parts of those pannels)
  4. Canoptek Alloy Highlight the gold
  5. Russ Grey Highlight the longcoat
  6. Blood Angels Red Needles + Eyelenses
  7. Dawnstone Highlight black parts
  8. Blue Horror Highlight the sharpest points on the trousers and cuffs
  9. Screaming Skull Highlight all the skeleton horde parts
Citadel Painting System 16
Base 3
  • Iron Hands Steel
  • Iron Warriors
  • Retributor Armour
Layer 5
  • Blue Horror
  • Canoptek Alloy
  • Dawnstone
  • Russ Grey
  • Screaming Skull
Contrast 8
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Black Templar
  • Blood Angels Red
  • Fyreslayer Flesh
  • Skeleton Horde
  • Space Wolves Grey
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Wyldwood
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