A rough guide of all the colors I use in my BloodBowl scheme.
- Dryad Bark Ratskin Flesh Waaagh! Flesh Khorne Red Abaddon Black Balthasar Gold Leadbelcher Zandri Dust Rhinox Hide
- Agrax Earthshade Reikland Fleshshade Druchii Violet
- Warpstone Glow Sycorax Bronze Cadian Fleshtone Ushabti Bone Mournfang Brown
- Kislev Flesh Evil Sunz Scarlet Moot Green Runefang Steel Eshin Grey
- Stirland Mud
Black Rooster Laboratory is a ‘amateur’ painting studio founded by ‘DK’ in the end of the year 2018 in order to promote his hobby paintings and conversions.