JDV Redhead Skin

  • Written by
  • Published
    13 Jul 2023
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL

Recipe from JDV Redhead Tutorial on YT

  1. Medium Rust 2 thin coats the results should be homogenous
  2. Brown Rose + Medium Rust mix 1:1 Use this step to sketch in lights and shadows. It should take a while.
  3. Take the above mix and thin it down to a glaze consistency to smooth out the transitions
  4. Brown Rose + Radiant Flesh 1:1 to continue highlighting
  5. Take the above mix and thin it down to a glaze consistency to smooth out the transitions
  6. Apply Radiant Flesh 40% to the last mixture
  7. Add Ivory about 20% to the last mixture for the last highlights this is to simulate skin shine
  8. Mix a glaze of Brown Rose + Violet Red 1:1 glaze to glaze in the shadow areas of the skin
  9. Apply a glaze of Wine Red to the mid town areas
  10. Mix Black + Black Red apply it to the deep recesses like where the clothing meets the skin, hard meets the face,etc
  11. Add a glaze of Laser Yellow on the highlight areas
  12. Paint the extreme ports Ivory
AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics 9
Standard 8
  • AK11004 Ivory
  • AK11048 Laser Yellow
  • AK11053 Radiant Flesh
  • AK11063 Brown Rose
  • AK11075 Violet Red
  • AK11096 Wine Red
  • AK11098 Black Red
  • AK11103 Medium Rust
Intense 1
  • AK11029 Black
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