Comprehensive Paint Guide the Ydrilan Riverblades

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  • Published
    02 Nov 2024
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The Ydrilan Riverblades are warriors of elegance and precision among the Lumineth Realm-lords, their attire reflecting the natural beauty of their realm’s waterways. This guide will help bring out the vibrant teal cloth, ivory armor, and mystical accents that characterize the Riverblades, using carefully chosen colors and techniques.

  1. Preparation
    Before beginning the painting process, proper preparation is essential to achieve the cleanest, most professional-looking results:
    Cleaning the Model:
    Carefully remove any mold lines or excess flash from the model using a hobby knife or file. This will ensure a smooth finish, especially on flat armor panels and flowing fabrics where imperfections are most noticeable.
    Fully assemble the model, except for any parts that may obstruct access to detailed areas, such as weapons or shields. If needed, keep these separate and attach them later for easier access to intricate areas.
    Prime the model using a Wraithbone spray primer. This warm, off-white primer will provide a great base for both the ivory armor and the vibrant teal cloth, giving the colors warmth and vibrancy.
    Ensure an even coat by spraying in light, sweeping motions, holding the can about 12 inches away from the model. This avoids oversaturation and keeps details crisp.
    After priming, your model is now ready to paint with a solid foundation, maximizing color adherence and durability.

    1. Armor Panels and Masks (Off-White)
    The armor of the Riverblades is designed to resemble polished ivory, a nod to their connection with purity and natural beauty. This off-white armor base provides a harmonious contrast with the deep, vibrant colors of their clothing.
    Basecoat: Start by applying Wraithbone as a base layer. This will give the armor a warm, natural tone with good coverage.
    Layer: Cover the base with Screaming Skull to bring out a soft ivory look, allowing some Wraithbone to show through in recesses.
    Shade: For subtle depth, apply a diluted mix of Agrax Earthshade and Contrast Medium (1:2) to recessed areas, ensuring the armor retains a clean, ivory appearance.
    Highlight: Use Screaming Skull for edge highlights, focusing on the tops of the armor plates and mask edges to emphasize the contours.
    Final Edge Highlight: For a final pop, add a fine edge highlight of White Scar on the sharpest edges.

    2. Engravings and Runes (Gold)
    The golden engravings on the armor symbolize the Lumineth’s mastery of their craft, with each rune hinting at a sacred connection to their magical arts.
    Basecoat: Paint the engravings with Retributor Armour for a rich gold base.
    Shade: Apply Reikland Fleshshade to deepen the gold, focusing on recesses to add richness and definition.
    Highlight: Use Liberator Gold on raised parts of the engravings to enhance the shine.
    Final Highlight: Apply Stormhost Silver on the edges of the gold details for a polished effect, making the engravings gleam like finely crafted jewelry.

    3. Tunic (Teal-Blue Cloth with White Trim)
    The teal-blue tunic is the centerpiece of the Riverblades’ attire, a color that mirrors the depths of mystical rivers. This vibrant fabric brings a striking contrast against the ivory armor, capturing the essence of flowing water.
    Basecoat: Mix Temple Guard Blue and Kabalite Green (3:1) and apply evenly. This blend creates a rich teal base that balances between blue and green.
    Layer: Add Baharroth Blue to the base mix (1:1) and apply it to raised areas, leaving shadows in the folds to convey depth.
    First Highlight: Gradually add White Scar to the mid-tone mix and highlight along the edges and highest points of the tunic folds.
    Final Edge Highlight: For crisp edges, use a mix of Baharroth Blue and White Scar or pure White Scar on the sharpest folds.
    White Trim: Use Corax White as a base for the trim along the tunic’s edges, then layer with White Scar for a bright, clean finish that frames the tunic beautifully.

    4. Light Blue Tights/Trousers
    These light blue tights add an airy and subtle touch to the Riverblades, blending well with their overall color scheme and enhancing their agile look.
    Basecoat: Apply Lothern Blue for a soft, sky-blue base.
    Shade: Use a diluted Drakenhof Nightshade (2:1 Contrast Medium to Shade) for gentle shading in the creases.
    Highlight: Mix Lothern Blue with White Scar (1:1) and apply highlights along the folds and raised areas.
    Final Highlight: Use pure White Scar to add sharp edges on prominent folds.

    5. Blue Ribbons, Tassels, Plumes, and Hair
    These blue accents represent flowing water and provide an additional layer of vibrancy. Their placement on weapons and helmets emphasizes the Riverblades’ agile, fluid fighting style.
    Basecoat: Start with Caledor Sky as a base for a rich blue.
    Layer: Apply Lothern Blue over raised areas, leaving Caledor Sky in recesses for depth.
    Highlight: Use Baharroth Blue on the edges and tips to bring out definition.
    Final Highlight: Add White Scar on the sharpest points for a bright finish that enhances the sense of movement.

    6. Leather Details
    The Riverblades carry various leather accents, each crafted to be functional and elegant. The darker leather offers a grounded contrast, while the lighter leather of the sheathes adds warmth.
    Warm Brown Leather Sheathes (lighter tone):
    Basecoat: Apply Mournfang Brown.
    Shade: Use Agrax Earthshade to add depth.
    Highlight: Highlight with Skrag Brown along the edges.
    Final Highlight: Use Deathclaw Brown for a warm, worn look.
    Dark Brown Leather for Straps, Belts, Boots, and Gloves:
    Basecoat: Use Rhinox Hide.
    Shade: Apply Agrax Earthshade in recessed areas.
    Highlight: Use Gorthor Brown on the edges and raised areas.
    Final Highlight: Add Baneblade Brown on the very edges for a subtle, weathered finish.

    7. Skin
    The exposed skin on some Riverblades adds a lifelike warmth to their otherwise mystical appearance. A natural, soft skin tone pairs well with their overall color scheme.
    Basecoat: Start with Kislev Flesh.
    Shade: Apply a thin layer of Reikland Fleshshade for warm shadows, especially around recesses.
    Highlight: Mix Kislev Flesh with Pallid Wych Flesh (1:1) and apply on cheekbones, nose, and chin.
    Final Highlight: Use pure Pallid Wych Flesh on the highest points, like the tip of the nose and forehead.

    8. Face Details (Eyes and Forehead Gems in Purple/Magenta)
    The mystical forehead gems reflect the Riverblades’ arcane connection, glowing with a magical purple hue that contrasts beautifully against the ivory masks.
    Forehead Gem Basecoat: Use Xereus Purple.
    Layer: Apply Genestealer Purple on the lower half for a gradient.
    Highlight: Add a small dot of White Scar in the top corner for a polished look.
    Eyes: Use White Scar for eye whites, adding a tiny dot of Abaddon Black for pupils if possible.

    9. Weapons
    The Riverblades' weapons are finely crafted with steel blades and wooden handles, accented in gold to showcase their craftsmanship.
    Blades and Spears (Steel):
    Basecoat: Apply Leadbelcher.
    Shade: Use Nuln Oil for depth.
    Highlight: Apply Ironbreaker along edges, with Stormhost Silver on sharp points for a gleaming finish.
    Weapon Handles (Wood with Gold Accents):
    Basecoat: Use Dryad Bark for wood.
    Highlight: Apply Gorthor Brown on edges.
    Gold Accents: Follow the same gold recipe from Section 2.

    10. Base (Grass, Rocks, Skulls)
    The base of the Ydrilan Riverblades grounds them in natural terrain, bringing the look of riverbanks and wilderness to life.
    Ground Basecoat: Use Steel Legion Drab for an earthy tone.
    Shade: Apply Agrax Earthshade.
    Drybrush: Drybrush with Karak Stone to bring out texture.
    Grass Tufts: Add grass tufts as desired.
    Rocks: Basecoat with Dawnstone, shade with Nuln Oil, and drybrush with Administratum Grey.
    Skulls: Basecoat with Zandri Dust, shade with Agrax Earthshade, and highlight with Ushabti Bone.

    This guide should provide the structure and depth needed to bring the Ydrilan Riverblades to life.