Dark Earth Bases

Tutorial Video

Dark Earth Bases

  • Written by
  • Published
    15 Sep 2021
  • Updated
    14 Dec 2021
  • Shareable URL

Credit to 'The Apathetic Fish Miniatures' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIbf9PH-sLo

  1. Apply PVA to the base
  2. Apply sand to base and allow to dry
  3. Paint with Rhinox Hide
  4. Shade with Agrax Earthshade
  5. Drybrush Karak Stone
  6. Paint Rim Skavenblight Dinge with a couple of coats.
  7. Apply Grass tufts
Citadel Painting System 4
Base 1
  • Rhinox Hide
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Layer 2
  • Karak Stone
  • Skavenblight Dinge
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