- Prime in Grey Seer
- Base wood, belt, back of shields and main clothing with Wyldwood
- Base leather armor, greaves and vambraces with Cygor Brown
- Base under clothing and sleeves with Blood Angels Red
- Base boots and leggings with Black Legion
- Base cloak and shield facings with 4:2 ratio of Dark Angels Green and Lahmian Medium
- Repeat previous step for cloaks only
- Base skin with Fyreslayer Flesh
- Base hair and beard with Skeleton Horde
- Base arrow fletching with Gore-grunta Fur
- Shade shield facing with Biel-Tan Green
- Base shield designs with Corax White
- Base metal armor, helmet, weapons etc with Iron Warriors
- Base sword crossguard, shield boss and helmet/weapon details with Retributor Armour
- Wash white details with watered down Seraphim Sepia
- Wash wyldwood bits, gold and hair with Reikland Fleshshade
- Wash red and silver bits with Nuln Oil
- Edge highlight shields and cloaks with Warboss Green
- Touch up hair and beards with watered down Screaming Skull
- Edge highlight silver with Ironbreaker
- Edge highlight gold with Liberator Gold
Corax White
Iron Warriors
Retributor Armour
Biel-Tan Green
Nuln Oil
Reikland Fleshshade
Seraphim Sepia
Liberator Gold
Screaming Skull
Warboss Green
Black Legion
Blood Angels Red
Cygor Brown
Dark Angels Green
Fyreslayer Flesh
Gore-grunta Fur
Skeleton Horde
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