- Skin: Base coat with Shadow Flesh , then highlight up with Tan Flesh and then little bits of Olive Flesh . Glaze over with Tan Flesh if needed to bring together. For lips mix a little Orange Red with Tan Flesh . For eyes use Bold Titanium White and Green .
- Dress: Base coat with mix (60/40?) of Green and Dark Blue . Slowly highlight up with the same mix but using more Green and then finally wih just Green . Glaze layers with water as thinner on wet palette.
- Hair: Base coat with Dark Umber and then cover almost all (leaving only deep shadows) with Burnt Sienna . Then slowly highlight up with mixes of Burnt Sienna and Orange Red . Then just Orange Red and then mix in a little bit of Golden Yellow . Finally do a light glaze/wash with Orange Red to bring everything together and tone down brightest highlights.
- Potion bottle: Shadow with Dark Blue , mid tone with Blue and then brightest with Sky Blue , mixing in some Bold Titanium White for brightest. Use Bold Titanium White for the shine.
- Leather: Base coat with Light Umber , then layer up using Leather Brown and Ivory , adding in some shading with Dark Umber where needed.
- Dagger sheath: Base coat with Dark Umber and highlight layers with Light Umber and Ivory .
- Metallics: Under paint with a brown and then base coat with White Gold . Shade first with Seraphim Sepia and then add back in some White Gold , then some selective shading with Agrax Earthshade .
- Dagger blade: Base coat with Steel Metallic , shade with Nuln Oil and then highlight back with Steel Metallic .