Grim Dark Metal Quick Imperial Fists

  • Written by
  • Published
    30 Jan 2025
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Quick metallic used for Imperial Fists.

  1. Base coat metallic. Exhaust Manifold for steel and Copper for coppers. Other mid tone metals could be used, e.g. Brass or Gold.

STOP - Make sure to paint any other areas, e.g. Armor that will be getting the same oil wash.

  1. Oil Wash - 4:1 W&N Burnt Sienna : W&N Black. Wash should be on the thicker side, just running but not thin enough it would be a pin wash
  2. Removal - Wait for oils to look matt then with makeup sponge/q-tip gently remove from the highlight areas.

Wait - At least over night for oils to cure before painting back on top.

  1. Edge and spot highlight with Steel for other metalics mix in a little Steel with its basecoat.