Galvanic Servohaulers / Crane

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  • Published
    19 Sep 2020
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WIP recipes for Games Workshop Galvanic Servohaulers (specifically the large crane)


  1. Prime with Black Primer , ideally using subassemblies

Base Colours

  1. Airbrush with Averland Sunset leaving some black primer in crevices. This does not need to be 100% even as there will be significant weathering.
  2. Dry brush with Flash Gitz Yellow
  3. Airbrush with Casandora Yellow

Detailing and Initial Weathering

  1. Block in all non-yellow areas with Abaddon Black
  2. Sponge on Rhinox Hide without thinning fairly heavily over all surfaces, focusing on raised areas
  3. Block is metallic details with Leadbelcher and Runelord Brass , half of the skull designs with Celestra Grey and the cables/tanks/buttons with Mephiston Red
  4. Highlight or dry brush metal areas with Duraluminum

Heavy weathering

  1. Spray the entire model with Streaking Grime
  2. Using cotton buds and/or wool daubers soaked in white spirit, remove the Streaking Grime from raised surfaces
  3. Recess shade using Rust Streaks , tidy up with white spirit

Finish assembling model if using subassemblies

Finish details

  1. Touch up areas of red with further coat of Mephiston Red
  2. Highlight skulls with Screaming Skull , and a second highlight mixed with some Ceramite White

Matt Varnish

AK Interactive
Weathering effect 2
  • AK012 Streaking Grime
  • AK013 Rust Streaks
Badger Stynylrez
Base 1
  • Black Primer
Citadel Painting System 11
Base 8
  • Abaddon Black
  • Averland Sunset
  • Celestra Grey
  • Ceramite White
  • Leadbelcher
  • Mephiston Red
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Runelord Brass
Shade 1
  • Casandora Yellow
Layer 2
  • Flash Gitz Yellow
  • Screaming Skull
Vallejo Metal Color
Base 1
  • 77.702 Duraluminum
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