- Base coat pants, glove, and shirt Armor Grey
- Base coat jacket Stained Olive
- Base coat head Garnet Red
- Base coat leather :TheArmyPainterWarpaints/Dead black:
- Base coat buckle and buttons Chain Mail Silver
- Shadow jacket mix of Stained Olive and :TheArmyPainterWarpaints/Dead black:
- Highlight jacket mix of Stained Olive and Tusk Ivory
- Shadow head mix of Garnet Red and :TheArmyPainterWarpaints/Dead black:
- Highlight head mix of Garnet Red and Tusk Ivory
- Highlight pants and gloves mix of Armor Grey and Tusk Ivory
- Base coat main base Dark Stone
- Base coat base sidewalk Filthy Cape
- Base coat rocks Ashen Brown
- Base coat I beam Rust
- Wash whole base Nuln Oil
- Dry brush whole base Dirty Grey
- Base coat wires Flat Red
- Base coat metal wires Chain Mail Silver