Adapted from The Warhipster's recipe:
I don't have many contrast paints so I've swapped them out for speedpaints. I'm also going for a different shade with the cloaks.
Haven't tried this yet but I'll update and add pictures as I go!
- Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White
Speedpaints / basecoat
- Satchel Brown on the overcoats, belts, and wood (bows, spear and arrow shafts, backs of shields)
- Dusk Red on the leather armour on torsos, arms, legs, some helmets + weapon grips
- Blood Red on the underclothes: sleeves and inner tunic
- Grim Black on boots and trousers
- Mix 4 parts Camo Cloak and 2 parts Speedpaint Medium and apply to shields and cloaks
- Apply a second coat of the Camo Cloak / Speedpaint Medium mix to the cloaks
- Aged Hide on the hands and faces
- Nuclear Sunrise to hair and beards
- Ruddy Fur to arrow fletchings
- Biel-Tan Green to the shields
- Thinned Corax White to the shield details
- Thinned Iron Warriors to scale mail, blades, helmet panels
- Thinned Retributor Armour on metal details: pommels, crossguards, centres of shields, helmet trim, scabbard detail
- Small bit of Seraphim Sepia on the shield detail to tint it to an off-white
- Reikland Fleshshade over overcoats, belts, wood, gold, hair and beards
- Nuln Oil over silver and red areas
- Thinned Straken Green to highlight the shields and cloaks
- Thinned Screaming Skull to highlight the hair and beard, and correct any mistakes
- Tiny amount of Grim Black to pick out the eyeballs
- Thinned Ironbreaker to highlight all the silver
- Thinned Liberator Gold to highlight all the gold
New MESBG player, collector and painter in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using this to plan and track recipes.