Warriors of Rohan


Adapted from The Warhipster's recipe: https://youtu.be/r-ztKLocvQI?si=4NJaD-L_AARzUSyf

I don't have many contrast paints so I've swapped them out for speedpaints. I'm also going for a different shade with the cloaks.

Haven't tried this yet but I'll update and add pictures as I go!


  1. Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White

Speedpaints / basecoat

  1. Satchel Brown on the overcoats, belts, and wood (bows, spear and arrow shafts, backs of shields)
  2. Dusk Red on the leather armour on torsos, arms, legs, some helmets + weapon grips
  3. Blood Red on the underclothes: sleeves and inner tunic
  4. Grim Black on boots and trousers
  5. Mix 4 parts Camo Cloak and 2 parts Speedpaint Medium and apply to shields and cloaks
  6. Apply a second coat of the Camo Cloak / Speedpaint Medium mix to the cloaks
  7. Aged Hide on the hands and faces
  8. Nuclear Sunrise to hair and beards
  9. Ruddy Fur to arrow fletchings
  10. Biel-Tan Green to the shields
  11. Thinned Corax White to the shield details
  12. Thinned Iron Warriors to scale mail, blades, helmet panels
  13. Thinned Retributor Armour on metal details: pommels, crossguards, centres of shields, helmet trim, scabbard detail


  1. Small bit of Seraphim Sepia on the shield detail to tint it to an off-white
  2. Reikland Fleshshade over overcoats, belts, wood, gold, hair and beards
  3. Nuln Oil over silver and red areas


  1. Thinned Straken Green to highlight the shields and cloaks
  2. Thinned Screaming Skull to highlight the hair and beard, and correct any mistakes
  3. Tiny amount of Grim Black to pick out the eyeballs
  4. Thinned Ironbreaker to highlight all the silver
  5. Thinned Liberator Gold to highlight all the gold



New MESBG player, collector and painter in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using this to plan and track recipes.

Citadel Painting System 11
Base 3
  • Corax White
  • Iron Warriors
  • Retributor Armour
Shade 4
  • Biel-Tan Green
  • Nuln Oil
  • Reikland Fleshshade
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 4
  • Ironbreaker
  • Liberator Gold
  • Screaming Skull
  • Straken Green
The Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0
Speedpaint 9
  • Aged Hide
  • Blood Red
  • Camo Cloak
  • Dusk Red
  • Grim Black
  • Nuclear Sunrise
  • Ruddy Fur
  • Satchel Brown
  • Speedpaint Medium
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 3
  • 70.600 White
  • 70.601 Grey
  • 70.602 Black
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