Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White
Nuclear Sunrise to horse's muzzle and horse's socks up to the knee
Gravelord Grey on the horse's mane, tail, hooves, and head armour
Mix 4 parts Noble Skin and 1 part Speedpaint Medium and apply two coats to the rest of the horse's skin. Blend it down to the ankle of the horse's socks. Also apply two coats to Targg's tunic
Repeat the step above with a layer of 1 part Runic Grey and 1 part Speedpaint Medium
Gravelord Grey to horse's leathers, the saddle, top and bottom segments of Targg's shirt sleeves, inside and outside of cloak
Noble Skin on trousers and arm bracers
Satchel Brown over straps and leather, belts etc.
Beowulf Blue over the saddle wrap, and the undertunic of the foot model
Aged Hide over Targg's skin
Nuclear Sunrise to the unpainted part of Targg's sleeve
Agrax Earthshade to the boots and sword grip
Thinned Iron Warriors to sword blade, horse bit, and buckles
Thinned Retributor Armour to the two small rings on the chest
Nuln Oil to the fur, Targg's hair, sword blade, horse bit, buckles, tail, mane, horse armour, Targg's cloak, saddle, and horse's leathers
Reikland Fleshshade on Targg's skin
Layer of thinned Skavenblight Dinge over the horse's muscles
Thinned Stormvermin Fur to highlight the horse and Targg's tunic
Thinned Dawnstone to highlight tail, mane, horse armour, Targg's cloak, saddle, and horse's leathers
Thinned Pallid Wych Flesh to highlight all the white: fur and Targg's hair
Thinned Ushabti Bone to highlight horse's muzzle and socks
Thinned Fenrisian Grey to highlight the blue
Thinned Karak Stone to highlight the trousers and bracers
Thinned Flayed One Flesh to highlight Targg's skin
A tiny amount of Grim Black to the eyes
Thinned Ironbreaker to highlight the blade, bit, and buckles