Nurgle Skin

Nurgle Skin

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  • Published
    26 Feb 2020
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A pallid diseased skin recipe.

Nurgle Skin

  1. Zandri Dust Basecoat
  2. Seraphim Sepia Wash
  3. Reikland Fleshshade Wash
  4. Zandri Dust Layer (re-establish the base skin tone leaving the recesses and wounds)
  5. Ushabti Bone Highlight
  6. Screaming Skull Highlight
  7. Pallid Wych Flesh Extreme Highlight

Open Wounds / Raw Flesh

  1. Bugman's Glow Basecoat layered around wounds etc
  2. Carroburg Crimson Lahmian Medium 1:1 soft glaze around open wounds
  3. Druchii Violet Lahmian Medium 1:1 glaze in select deepest recesses
  4. Bugman's Glow Highlight
  5. Cadian Fleshtone Highlight
  6. Kislev Flesh Highlight
  7. Clear Red with a small amount of Abaddon Black applied to the open wounds


  1. Waywatcher Green glaze around the boils
  2. Nurgles Rot applied sparingly around the boils

Exposed Fat / Pustules

  1. XV-88 Basecoat
  2. Balor Brown Layer
  3. Ushabti Bone Highlight
  4. Clear Red with a small amount of Abaddon Black applied around the edges



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Citadel Painting System 17
Base 4
  • Abaddon Black
  • Bugman's Glow
  • XV-88
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 4
  • Carroburg Crimson
  • Druchii Violet
  • Reikland Fleshshade
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 6
  • Balor Brown
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Kislev Flesh
  • Pallid Wych Flesh
  • Screaming Skull
  • Ushabti Bone
Glaze 1
  • Waywatcher Green
Technical 2
  • Lahmian Medium
  • Nurgles Rot
Acrylic gloss 1
  • X-27 Clear Red
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