Wulf, High Lord of the Hill Tribes


Adapted from: https://youtu.be/l-8ArknwDJE?si=nx8OUWvx6OJo7WJY


  1. Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White

Speedpaints/basecoat + shading

  1. Gravelord Grey to horse's flesh, hooves, mane, tail and leather
  2. Noble Skin over the saddle fur
  3. Dusk Red to the saddle
  4. Nuln Oil to the horse's face armour, leather, tail, mane, hair on socks
  5. Gravelord Grey to the top of Wulf's boots, straps and armour panels, trousers (avoiding a band near the knee), belt, hair, fur by Wulf's neck, sword, knife, and outside of the cloak
  6. Nuln Oil over sword, knife, black armour panels, gauntlet fur, trousers, belt, boots, outside of the cloak
  7. Dusk Red to the underside of Wulf's jacket
  8. Noble Skin over the rest of Wulf's clothes
  9. Runic Grey over the previous layer of Noble Skin
  10. Nuclear Sunrise to the unpainted bands near the knees
  11. Aged Hide to Wulf's skin
  12. Blood Red to the inside of the cloak
  13. Snakebite Leather to the soles of the boots
  14. Thinned Iron Warriors to the horse armour and stirrups
  15. Thinned Retributor Armour to remaining details on Wulf: brooch, scabbard detail, pommel, etc
  16. Nuln Oil to shade horse armour
  17. Reikland Fleshshade to shade all the gold


  1. Thinned Eshin Grey to highlight the horse's flesh, tail and mane + the outside of Wulf's cloak
  2. Thinned Dawnstone to spot highlight the horse's flesh, mane, tail + Wulf's cloak
  3. Thinned Dawnstone to highlight Wulf's clothes, hair and leathers
  4. Thinned Administratum Grey to highlight the fur by Wulf's neck
  5. Thinned Karak Stone to highlight the horse's leathers and the saddle fur
  6. Tiny amount of Grim Black to pick out Wulf's eyes
  7. Tiny amount of Screaming Skull to pick out Wulf's teeth and the horse's teeth + back or horse's eyes
  8. Thinned Flayed One Flesh to highlight Wulf's skin
  9. Thinned Pallid Wych Flesh to highlight gauntlet fur and horse's face armour
  10. Thinned Ironbreaker to highlight sword, dagger, horse armour
  11. Thinned Liberator Gold to highlight gold details



New MESBG player, collector and painter in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using this to plan and track recipes.

Citadel Painting System 14
Base 2
  • Iron Warriors
  • Retributor Armour
Shade 2
  • Nuln Oil
  • Reikland Fleshshade
Layer 9
  • Administratum Grey
  • Dawnstone
  • Eshin Grey
  • Flayed One Flesh
  • Ironbreaker
  • Karak Stone
  • Liberator Gold
  • Pallid Wych Flesh
  • Screaming Skull
Contrast 1
  • Snakebite Leather
The Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0
Speedpaint 8
  • Aged Hide
  • Blood Red
  • Dusk Red
  • Gravelord Grey
  • Grim Black
  • Noble Skin
  • Nuclear Sunrise
  • Runic Grey
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 3
  • 70.600 White
  • 70.601 Grey
  • 70.602 Black
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