Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White
Seraphim Sepia over the horse's flesh, tail, and mane
Ancient Honey to the barding on the horse
Mix 2 parts Reikland Fleshshade and one part Fuegan Orange and apply to the horse's flesh
Mix 1 part Sand Golem and 1 part Speedpaint Medium and apply to the barding on the horse
Very gently drybrush Morghast Bone over the horse's flesh. Gently building up colour in circular motion
Thinned Word Bearers Red to the trim of the barding
Gunner Camo over the saddle blanket
Gravelord Grey over the hooves, inside of the horse's mouth, the horse's eyes, and the horse's bridle
Snakebite Leather over the saddle
Nuln Oil over the green on the saddle blanket, and the fur trim of the saddle blanket
Dusk Red over Haleth's leather armour, excluding the fancy trim on the legs
Gravelord Grey over trousers, boots, gloves and spear shaft
Mix 2 parts Gunner Camo and 1 part Speedpaint Medium and apply to the cloak in two layers
Satchel Brown to the fancy trim on the legs
Aged Hide to the face
Nuclear Sunrise over Haleth's hair
Thinned Word Bearers Red to the belt and the winged trim on the helmet
Thinned Iron Warriors to the chainmail, helmet, horseshoes, blades, horse face armour, gaps in Haleth's armour
Thinned Retributor Armour over the icon on horse's chest, stirrups, pommel, crossguard, scabbard detail, Haleth's brooch, etc
Nuln Oil over silver + boots, gloves and scabbard
Reikland Fleshshade over all the gold
Thinned Pallid Wych Flesh to highlight horse's tail and mane
Thinned Screaming Skull to highlight horse's flesh and Haleth's hair + to pick out the horse's eyes and teeth
Thinned Flash Gitz Yellow to highlight yellow on the barding
Thinned Wild Rider Red to highlight all the red on the barding
Thinned Gorthor Brown to highlight the brown on Haleth's armour
Thinned Dawnstone to highlight bridle, boots, gloves, scabbard
Thinned Warboss Green to highlight the cloak
Thinned Flayed One Flesh to highlight Haleth's face
Tiny amount of Grim Black to pick out Haleth's eyes