Airbrush zenithal prime with Vallejo surface primers - Black , Grey , and White . Shade recesses with Nuln Oil then drybrush all over with Golden SoFlat Titanium White
Satchel Brown on boots, belts, straps, bows, spears, scabbards, quivers, weapon handles
Golden Armour on all gold areas
Reikland Fleshshade over all the gold
Small amount of Fuegan Orange over the chainmail and inner chest armour
Slaughter Red over tummy corsets and undertunic
Gravelord Grey on undershirts
Beowulf Blue on cloaks
Magic Blue on cloaks
Fire Drake on skin
Nuclear Sunrise over hair
Broadsword Silver over steel
Agrax Earthshade over brown
Nuln Oil over undershirts
Drakenhof Nightshade over the steel and cloaks
Casandora Yellow over the hair
Re-layer Retributor Armour over and large smooth gold areas e.g. gauntlets, shields, helmets - avoiding the recesses
Thinned Liberator Gold to highlight all the gold except for the chainmail
Thinned Cadian Fleshtone to highlight the tummy corsets and undertunic
Thinned Baneblade Brown to highlight brown areas
Thinned Dawnstone to highlight the undershirts
Thinned Fenrisian Grey to highlight cloaks
Thinned Stormhost Silver to highlight the steel
Thinned Flayed One Flesh to highlight the skin
Reikland Fleshshade over the skin
Tiny amount of Gravelord Grey to pick out the eyes