- Prime with White Scar
- Carapace Base Coat Eshin Grey . Using 50/50 mix Eshin Grey and White Scar paint little lines on the carapace.
- Claws Base Coat :50/50 mix Eshin Grey and White Scar
- Skin 1 part Contrast Medium 9 parts Basilicanum Grey
- Basing Astrogranite then Nuln Oil when dry
- Dry Brush Entire model including base in White Scar
- Paint lounges, eyes and brains in Mephiston Red or Blood Angels Red
- Fill in vents and joints with 1 part Black Templar and 1 part Contrast Medium
- Carapace and Claws Nuln Oil
- Abaddon Black around the rim of the base
- Spray whole model with Testers Dull Coat
- Add Brimstein Firegrass shrubs and patches of Valhallan Blizzard patches
- Add Blood For The Blood God to every Mouth, Brain, Claws and Skipes.