Mouse knight B&B

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  • Published
    22 Nov 2020
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How I painted my mouse knight for my Burrows & Badgers warband

  1. Prime black.


  1. Brown fur: Harvest Brown
  2. White fur: Bleached Linen
  3. Nose and hands and feet: 1 part Brilliant Red , 5 parts Bleached Linen for a pale pink.
  4. Tail: Under paint with your choice of white ( Bleached Linen ), then paint with 1 part Brilliant Red , 5 parts Bleached Linen .
  5. Wash with Agrax Earthshade
  6. Drybrush fur with original colors.

Clothing and weapons

  1. Sword handle, back of shield: Dark Highlights
  2. Pouch, strap, and belt: Leather Brown
  3. Shirt/tunic: Under paint with your choice of white ( Bleached Linen ), paint with Heather Blue .
  4. Cloak, cables under arm and near belt: Dragon Red
  5. Wash with Agrax Earthshade
  6. Drybrush clothing with original colors.
  7. Drybrush cloak with Brilliant Red
  8. Lightly edge highlight tunic with Dragon Blue
  9. Sword handle, breastplate, skull on shield: Steel Metallic
  10. Belt buckle: Dragon Bronze
  11. Shade sword blade, chest plate, and front of shield with Nuln Oil
  12. Paint potion with Bright Yellow Green , then build up shadows with a thinned down Transparent Green , adding a bit of Nuln Oil to get the deepest color. Create reflections with Bleached Linen and then glaze refelctions with Bright Yellow Green
Citadel Painting System
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 2
Base 1
  • 039 Bright Yellow Green
Transparent 1
  • 048 Transparent Green
Reaper Master Series 9
Base 4
  • 9030 Leather Brown
  • 9042 Dark Highlights
  • 9200 Harvest Brown
  • 9231 Heather Blue
Bones 3
  • 9401 Dragon Red
  • 9436 Bleached Linen
  • 9449 Dragon Bronze
High density 2
  • 29802 Brilliant Red
  • 29815 Dragon Blue
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.065 Steel Metallic
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