Gargoyale from warcry box set

Gargoyale from warcry box set

  • Written by
  • Published
    27 Dec 2019
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This is the gargoyle from war cry box set .this is a test mini I did .

  1. Base primer vallejo black (:)
  2. Base uniform gray (:)

Glaze alien purple (:) put it on spine with light paint ! Build up ! Put on body with a thin layer.

  1. Wings tanned flesh lightly(:) , paint in the wings underside . Then 50/50 warlock purple(:) tanned flesh (:)
  2. Skeleton Bone (:)around the model such as teeth ,claws , foot nails , spine on wings , horns ,beard.
  3. Beard matte white (:) paint the individual strands .
  4. Horns strong tone (:)
  5. Knife plate mail (:) jungle green (:)
  6. Scenic base Uniform grey (:) then the skull with skeleton horse (:) then plate mail (:) for the spike.

Starred by venger0

Lorenzo quinones


I'm 35 from los angeles , just started painting minis about 5 months ago after an accident , found this hobby and have been going ever since .