- Prime with Retributor Armour .
- Paint entirety of armor with Retributor Armour . Leave Guardian Spear alone.
- Paint red areas with Gemstone (Army Painter metallic red)
- Paint gems with Azure Magic (Army Painter metallic light blue)
- Paint topknot, cables, belt, and skirt with Grey Seer
- Paint red areas and top knot with Flesh Tearers Red
- Paint skirt with thinned Rhinox Hide .
- Pick out eye lenses with Caledor Sky
- Pick out details on Guardian Spear with Iron Hands Steel .
- Paint blade and handle areas of guardian spear with Army Painter Metallic Black.
- Paint blade of guardian spear with Azure Magic.
- Shade armor and Guardian Spear with Reikland Fleshshade , including silver areas.
- Shade joints and skirt with Agrax Earthshade .
- Base with Stirland Battlemire . Once it is dry, drybrush with Ulthuan Grey .
Other recipes by VaMinion