- Prime with Retributor Armour
- Paint bike with 2 layers of Auric Armour Gold
- Paint circle and exhaust pipes with Ironbreaker
- Paint engine components and weapons Leadbelcher
- Fill end of exhaust pipes with Army Painter Gemstone
- Pick out gems with Army Painter Azure Magic.
- Shade gold with Reikland Fleshshade Gloss .
- Shade metal with Nuln Oil .
Custode Rider
- Paint armor with Retributor Armour
- Paint robes with Corax White
- Paint robes with Khorne Red
- Paint boots and gloves with Doombull Brown
- Shade boots with Nuln Oil
- Shade boots with Reikland Fleshshade Gloss .
- Highlight boots and gloves with Wazdakka Red .
- Highlight boot and gloves highlights with Squig Orange .
- Shade robe with Carroburg Crimson .
- Highlight robe with Wazdakka Red .
Other recipes by VaMinion