This is my quick method to paint up a unit of Pink Horrors, I start out by testing on a single model and then paint in batches of 3. Once the Shade, Base, Shade stage is dry you can whip through each model in 20 mins.
The Horror
- Undercoat the model in Corax White or Wraithbone , for me I grabbed the nearest rattle can and have 6 in Corax White and 4 in Wraithbone.
- Rather than follow the method from GW, I did an initial shade with Carroburg Crimson , followed by a heavy drybrush of Pink Horror with a second shade of Carroburg Crimson . This gave more definition to the muscle structure on the Horror.
- I then thinned Emperor's Children with water and started to layer this up over the whole model, adding White Scar to the mix towards the end.
- The tongue was basecoated with Daemonette Hide , given a wash with Druchii Violet and a highlight with Celestra Grey .
- The eyes, teeth, nails and talons were basecoated with Celestra Grey with a highlight of White Scar
- Bangles, Rings and Braclets were basecoated with Balthasar Gold , give a wash with Reikland Fleshshade layered up with Auric Armour Gold and finally Stormhost Silver
Finally the base is Steel Legion Drab , PVA glue and your preferred basing material. There is also a small magnet superglued to the underside of the base for transport. Duncan Rhodes has a great video on making cases here