Black Metal

  • Written by
  • Published
    26 Dec 2021
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  1. Coal Black Black Primer
  2. Black (OR liquitex) 2:1 Magnesium


  1. Silver Trim
  2. Coal Black Undersuit/gun
  3. Burnt Iron Metal
  4. MIG Black Wash A.MIG-1011 - Brush on all over, lightly remove irregularities with Qtip


  1. VMS Gloss
  2. decal step 1 and 2
  3. VMS Satin


  1. Rhinox Hide metal chipping/sponge
  2. Iron Hands Steel metal chipping/sponge
  3. Burnt Iron Metal
  4. Bold Titanium White Tassles
  5. Ivory Purity Seals
  6. Barak-Nar Burgundy Wax Seals
  7. Silver Silver doodads
  8. Bronze Chest Eagle
  9. Light Neutral Grey Tabards
  10. Rubber Black Undersuit
  11. Black Brown Ground base coat

Grim Dark

  1. Dark Brown Green Vehicles aibrush and wipe down w makeup sponge


  1. Bold Titanium White basecoat
  2. Cygor Brown Wash over all leather heavy 1x
  3. Transparent Black darken x1

Red Cloth

Purity Seals

  1. Ivory Base coat
  2. Dark Brown Green Vehicles
  3. Bright Ivory Horizontal highlights
  4. Skeleton Horde light wash
  5. Barak-Nar Burgundy Wax base
  6. Barak-Nar Burgundy Light Neutral Grey build up highlights
AK Interactive
Wash 1
  • AK045 Dark Brown Green Vehicles
AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics
Standard 1
  • AK11027 Rubber Black
Citadel Painting System 5
Base 3
  • Barak-Nar Burgundy
  • Iron Hands Steel
  • Rhinox Hide
Contrast 2
  • Cygor Brown
  • Skeleton Horde
FW Acrylic Ink 1
  • Black
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 8
Base 6
  • 001 Bold Titanium White
  • 002 Coal Black
  • 022 Bright Ivory
  • 023 Ivory
  • 040 Black Brown
  • 045 Light Neutral Grey
Metallic 1
  • 032 Bronze
Transparent 1
  • 053 Transparent Black
Vallejo Metal Color
Base 3
  • 77.711 Magnesium
  • 77.721 Burnt Iron
  • 77.724 Silver
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