Green Alien Sword (For Necrons/Deathwatch/Tau)

Green Alien Sword (For Necrons/Deathwatch/Tau)

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  • Published
    18 Jan 2022
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  1. Undercoat with Black Primer or equivalent black primer.
  2. Basecoat sword with Jade
  3. While the Jade is still wet, take Bright Yellow Green and place it on the areas you want to have your lighter color. Do this in an alternating pattern across the two sides of the blade.
  4. Sweep your brush back and forth between the two colors, blending them together. Let dry.
  5. Strengthen the gradient you've created by glazing with very thin Bright Yellow Green , starting with a motion in the Jade area, dragging towards the center of the Bright Yellow Green area.
  6. Repeat step 5 until you are satisfied with the result.