- Prime with Uniform Grey
- Basecoat the hard carapace parts with Kantor Blue
- Basecoat the head, hands, feet and soft parts in the joints with Daemonette Hide
- Wash both areas with Purple Tone
- Highlight the the carapace with Kantor Blue followed by Altdorf Guard Blue
- Highlight the soft fleshy bits with Daemonette Hide
- Basecoat the claws on the feet and hands with Black
- Highlight the claws with Eshin Grey
- Paint the inside of the mouth and the tongue with Emperor's Children
- Paint the teeth with Screaming Skull
- Wash both teeth and tongue with Agrax Earthshade Gloss fix mistakes if needed
- Paint the eyes with Morrow White
- Layer Waywatcher Green to the eyes
- Wash Green Tone on the edges of the eyes