40k Barrels

40k Barrels

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  • Published
    20 Sep 2020
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  1. Use Uniform Grey primer

Turquoise Barrels

  1. Basecoat with Trollblood
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade mixed 50/50 with Lahmian Medium
  3. Heavy drybrush Trollblood
  4. Sponge on battledamage using Charred Brown followed by fewer spots of Cold Steel
  5. Bascoat the icons with Cold Steel
  6. Wash the icons with Agrax Earthshade
  7. Highlight with Cold Steel where necissary
  8. Apply a very soft, very dry drybrush of Bone White to the entire model

Dark Red Barrels

  1. Basecoat with Khorne Red
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade mixed 50/50 with Lahmian Medium
  3. Heavy drybrush Khorne Red
  4. Sponge on battledamage using Charred Brown followed by fewer spots of Cold Steel
  5. Basecoat the icons with Bright Bronze
  6. Wash the icons wiht Agrax Earthshade
  7. Apply Nihilakh Oxide to the icons
  8. Highlight with Bright Bronze where necissary
  9. Apply a very soft, very dry drybrush of Bone White to the entire model

Red and White Barrel

  1. Basecoat with Flat Red
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade mixed 50/50 with Lahmian Medium
  3. Heavy drybrush Flat Red
  4. Basecoat the middle band with Celestra Grey
  5. Wash the edges and details of the middle band with Seraphim Sepia
  6. Sponge on battledamage using Charred Brown followed by fewer spots of Cold Steel
  7. Apply a very soft, very dry drybrush of Bone White to the entire model

Yellow Barrels

  1. Basecoat with Averland Sunset
  2. Wash with Mid Brown
  3. Heavy drybrush Averland Sunset
  4. Sponge on battledamage using Charred Brown followed by fewer spots of Cold Steel
  5. Basecoat the icons with Bright Bronze
  6. Wash the icons wiht Agrax Earthshade
  7. Apply Nihilakh Oxide to the icons
  8. Highlight with Bright Bronze where necissary
  9. Apply a very soft, very dry drybrush of Bone White to the entire model
Citadel Painting System 7
Base 3
  • Averland Sunset
  • Celestra Grey
  • Khorne Red
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Seraphim Sepia
Technical 2
  • Lahmian Medium
  • Nihilakh Oxide
Formula P3 2
Base 1
  • Trollblood
Metallic 1
  • Cold Steel
The Army Painter Warpaints 2
Wash 1
  • Mid Brown
Spray 1
  • Uniform Grey
Vallejo Game Color
Base 3
  • 72.034 Bone White
  • 72.045 Charred Brown
  • 72.057 Bright Bronze
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.957 Flat Red
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