Relicblade Slayer Squid


Relicblade Slayer Squid

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  • Published
    12 Jul 2022
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  1. Head: Wet blend Jade , Turquoise , and Bright Pale Green to create a gradient, with the darkest color at the front of the head and lightest at the edges. Wash with Druchii Violet . Highlight with mixes of the wet blended colors, and original colors mixed with Bold Titanium White where needed (especially on edges where it is mixed with Bright Pale Green ). Highest highlights can be pure Bold Titanium White .
  2. Arms and Legs: Wet blend Jade near the body, Turquoise in the middle, and Bright Pale Green near the ends of the arms. Wash with Druchii Violet . Highlight with original colors and mixes of wet blended colors. Also highlight with mixes of original colors and Bold Titanium White where necessary. Highest highlights can be pure Bold Titanium White .
  3. Armor: Base coat with Black Templar , use Glaze Medium and Magenta to highlight from black, using Bold Titanium White to brighten further, some spots highlight with just Bold Titanium White .
  4. Robes: Base coat with Black Templar , use Glaze Medium and Black Green , then highlight up with Green , and use Pale Yellow mixed with Green for the greatest highlights.
  5. Arm/Leg Bands and Bells on Armor: Basecoat with Light Bronze , shade with Nuln Oil , highlight with original color.
  6. Blades: Basecoat with Ivory , highlight with Bright Ivory , shade/texture with Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade , highlight again with Ivory and Bright Ivory .
  7. Necklace: Basecoat with Orange , shade with Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade , highlight with Orange and Golden Yellow , glaze over Golden Yellow with Orange and Glaze Medium .
  8. Tongue: Basecoat with Faded Plum , wash with Druchii Violet .
  9. Beak: Basecoat with Black Templar , highlight with some Jade and Turquoise , using Coal Black to carve out shape from inside.
  10. Eyes: Basecoat with Golden Yellow , shade with Druchii Violet , highlight with Golden Yellow and Glaze Medium , paint pupils with Coal Black , highlights with Bold Titanium White .
  11. Belt: Basecoat/clean up with Coal Black , highlight with just a bit of Golden Yellow , so that it appears green-ish against the black, not enough layers to make the color completely opaque.
Citadel Painting System 4
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Druchii Violet
  • Nuln Oil
Contrast 1
  • Black Templar
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 15
Base 14
  • 001 Bold Titanium White
  • 002 Coal Black
  • 004 Green
  • 006 Golden Yellow
  • 007 Orange
  • 011 Magenta
  • 021 Jade
  • 022 Bright Ivory
  • 023 Ivory
  • 054 Turquoise
  • 057 Black Green
  • 058 Bright Pale Green
  • 060 Pale Yellow
  • 063 Faded Plum
Metallic 1
  • 026 Light Bronze
Vallejo Auxiliaries
Base 1
  • 70.596 Glaze Medium
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