Relicblade Dark Prophet

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  • Published
    07 Oct 2022
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  1. Prime black and large makeup brush zenithal with Bold Titanium White
  2. Pants and shirt: Basecoat with Dark Warm Grey , wash with Nuln Oil , highlight with Dark Warm Grey mixed with Glaze Medium , darken with Nuln Oil where appropriate, especially picking out the shadows.
  3. Cloak: Basecoat with Blue Black , shade with Nuln Oil , highlight by drybrushing with Blue Black , Dark Grey Blue , Grey Blue
  4. Bone parts: Basecoat with Ivory , don't need full coverage, will add to the aged appearance of the bone, shade with Seraphim Sepia , do a highlight with Ivory mixed with Glaze Medium over most of the bone, leaving the pure sepia in just the recesses, then progressive highlights with Ivory , Bright Ivory , then Bold Titanium White .
  5. Boots and leather straps: Basecoat with Coal Black , wash with Nuln Oil , highlight with Dark Warm Grey , define shadows with Nuln Oil and Coal Black , highlight with Bright Warm Grey , refine shapes with Dark Warm Grey and Coal Black , wash some highlights with Agrax Earthshade , darken recesses again with Nuln Oil .
  6. Hands: Basecoat with Space Wolves Grey over the zenithal prime
  7. Wood staff: Dark Umber , a little shading with Nuln Oil , some sketched in highlights with a mix of Dark Umber and Ivory .
  8. Book: Basecoat with Ivory , freehand a skull in the center, using Coal Black to outline the shape and make the eyes. Go back over with layers of Ivory and Coal Black as needed to get desired shape and look! Some spotty shading with Agrax Earthshade on skull to make it look worn. Highlights on book with Dark Warm Grey and Bright Warm Grey .
  9. Staff crystal: Wet blend Magenta and Purple , with Magenta near the bottom and Purple at the top.
  10. Beads: Basecoat with Orange , shade with Nuln Oil , highlight slightly with Orange .
  11. Staff crystal holder thing and book bits: Basecoat with Steel Metallic . On book shade lightly with Agrax Earthshade .
  12. Pouch and bag on back: Basecoat with Snakebite Leather , paint leftover black parts with Harvest Brown , shade with Agrax Earthshade , highlights with Leather Brown .
  13. Ropes for book and bone jewelry: Basecoat with Dark Umber , highlights with Harvest Brown .
  14. OSL: Drybrush with Purple on appropriate circle surrounding the crystal on the staff.
Citadel Painting System 5
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Contrast 2
  • Snakebite Leather
  • Space Wolves Grey
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl
Base 13
  • 001 Bold Titanium White
  • 002 Coal Black
  • 007 Orange
  • 010 Purple
  • 011 Magenta
  • 014 Dark Grey Blue
  • 015 Bright Warm Grey
  • 016 Dark Warm Grey
  • 019 Dark Umber
  • 022 Bright Ivory
  • 023 Ivory
  • 055 Grey Blue
  • 056 Blue Black
Reaper Master Series
Base 2
  • 9030 Leather Brown
  • 9200 Harvest Brown
Vallejo Auxiliaries
Base 1
  • 70.596 Glaze Medium
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.065 Steel Metallic
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