Relicblade Lone Guard Infiltrator


Relicblade Lone Guard Infiltrator

  • Written by
  • Published
    31 Jan 2023
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  1. Skin: Basecoat with Darkoath Flesh , add some light highlights with Tan Flesh mixed with Shadow Flesh , and some just pure Tan Flesh for the brightest points on face.
  2. Pants: Basecoat with Plaguebearer Flesh , shade recesses with mix of Transparent Green and Transparent Brown , some highlights with Yellow Green and Faded Green . I PAINTED OVER THIS WITH THIS METHOD: Base with Payne's Grey , first highlight with Dark Blue . Then highlight up with mixes of Dark Blue and Mountain Stone and Bleached Linen .
  3. Armor, boots, wrist guards, mask, leg strap: Basecoat with Transparent Black , highlights with different mixes of Mountain Stone and Bleached Linen , shade recesses as necessary with more Transparent Black .
  4. Belt and pouch: Basecoat with Snakebite Leather , highlights with mixes of Harvest Brown and Bleached Linen , if too bright add shading with Transparent Brown .
  5. Cloak: Basecoat with Transparent Brown near bottom and Transparent Green near top, wet blending between. Add texture and variation to both with different mixes of these colors and the pure colors. Paint inside by wet blending somewhat randomly with Transparent Black and Transparent Brown . Shade recesses with Transparent Black . Some light drybrushing to add more variety and texture with assorted colors, whatever feels right to get the mottled camouflage look. I used some Yellow Green . some Harvest Brown I think. Mix it up! The idea is for a reversible camouflaged cloak, with the outer side for the forest and daytime, and the inside for more stony areas and night. I PAINTED OVER THE TOP OF THE HOOD OF THE CLOAK WITH THIS: Thin down Payne's Grey to glaze with water and pull paint towards front of hood. Do the same to brighten a bit with Dark Blue . Then mixes of Dark Blue and Mountain Stone and Bleached Linen to highlight a bit. Now the idea of the cloak is to see dirt and foliage and sky.
  6. Daggers: Basecoat blades with Steel Metallic , hilts/pommels/handle parts with Light Bronze . Shade both with Transparent Black .
Citadel Painting System
Contrast 3
  • Darkoath Flesh
  • Plaguebearer Flesh
  • Snakebite Leather
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 10
Base 5
  • 024 Tan Flesh
  • 034 Dark Blue
  • 042 Shadow Flesh
  • 065 Yellow Green
  • 066 Faded Green
Metallic 1
  • 026 Light Bronze
Transparent 3
  • 048 Transparent Green
  • 052 Transparent Brown
  • 053 Transparent Black
Signature Series: Vince Venturella 1
  • S02 Payne's Grey
Reaper Master Series 3
Base 1
  • 9200 Harvest Brown
Bones 2
  • 9433 Mountain Stone
  • 9436 Bleached Linen
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.065 Steel Metallic
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