Eldar Bonesinger

Eldar Bonesinger

  • Written by
  • Published
    10 Jan 2020
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Mymeara Craftworld using a colorshift paint for the armor


  1. Basecoat - Green Stuff World Emerald Gateway
  2. Wash - Nuln Oil Gloss
  3. Edge highlights - Emerald Alchemy / Speed Metal

Armor Helmet and Accents

  1. Basecoat - Imperial Blue
  2. Wash - Nuln Oil
  3. Edge Highlights - Magic Blue

Outer Cloak

  1. Basecoat - Blend of Naggaroth Night and Warlord Purple
  2. Wash - Nuln Oil
  3. Highlights - Genestealer Purple and Warlord Purple

Inner Robe

  1. Basecoat - Blend of Imperial Blue and Magic Blue
  2. Wash - Nuln Oil
  3. Highlights - Blend of Imperial Blue and Magic Blue

Gem/Gem Accents

  1. Basecoat - Speed Metal and covered with Soulstone Blue
  2. Highlight - Speed Metal


  1. Basecoat - Skeleton Bone
  2. Wash - 50/50 Umber Wash and Lahmian Medium
  3. Drybrush - Mummy Robes


  1. Basecoat - Ash Grey
  2. Drybrush - Weathered Stone
  3. Wash - 50/50 Umber Wash and Lahmian Medium
  4. Drybrush - Weathered Stone
  5. Drybrush - Ulthuan Grey
  6. Inlay - Watered down Red
  7. Dirt - Stirland Mud
  8. Clump Foliage

Starred by Avatar

Citadel Painting System 8
Base 1
  • Naggaroth Night
Shade 2
  • Nuln Oil
  • Nuln Oil Gloss
Layer 2
  • Genestealer Purple
  • Ulthuan Grey
Technical 2
  • Lahmian Medium
  • Soulstone Blue
Texture 1
  • Stirland Mud
Reaper Master Series
Base 1
  • 9087 Weathered Stone
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 2
  • SC-66 Speed Metal
  • SC-69 Emerald Alchemy
The Army Painter Warpaints
Acrylic 3
  • Ash Grey
  • Mummy Robes
  • Skeleton Bone
Vallejo Game Color 5
Base 3
  • 72.014 Warlord Purple
  • 72.020 Imperial Blue
  • 72.021 Magic Blue
Ink 1
  • 72.086 Red
Wash 1
  • 72.203 Umber Wash
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