- Prime model with Black
- Apply a heavy drybrush of Stone Wall Grey to the wholemodel. For smaller models apply a glaze of this same paint over the skin to reduce contrast and cover the hard to reach areas. Any areas that will end up being brighter color should be solid coated in this color also . Such as blades which will be red, eyes, glowing items, etc..
- Apply Black Legion over the carapace, thinned down 50/50 with water.
- Basecoat all teeth and bone protrusions with Rakarth Flesh
- Coat the blades, skin vents, and hooves with 3 even coats of Carroburg Crimson . Do not allow it to pool in the recesses too heavily. Mostly using it to tint the areas. Use the 3 coats to create a transition on tentacles
- Wash over the armor joints and fleshy bits with Cryptek Armourshade Gloss reduced 50/50 with water. If the model has wings reduce 3/1 water and shade and use layers to create a transition and the 50/50 to trim edges.
- Overall wash of Drakenhof Nightshade thinned down 2 or 3 to 1 water to shade. We are mostly looking to deposit a lighter tint into the recesses and apply a slight tint to the skin. Areas previously washed with Carroburg Crimson and Cryptek Armourshade Gloss you will want to just apply to details and in recesses while adding the least amount of modification to thise ares color.
- Apply a drybrush of Stone Wall Grey . The carapace and the skin can be fairly heavy with the exception of where we have done transitions (such as on tentacles and wings). The other areas of Carroburg Crimson and Cryptek Armourshade Gloss only get a very light dusting with the drybrush to serve as the start of our extreme highlights.
- With mixture of 2 parts water and 1 part Black Legion glaze back over the carapace to tone down the drybrush applied in the last step.
Final details
- Extreme highlight on the skin with wolf grey or ghost grey. Also if needed rebase the eyes or glowing items in this step also.
- Sharpest corners of the carapce can get a small thinned down application of Stone Wall Grey
- Tint eyes and glowing items with Tesseract Glow