Ork flesh

Ork flesh

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  • Published
    26 Dec 2023
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  1. Base coat Deathworld Forest
  2. Wash with Athonian Camoshade
  3. Dry brush Deathworld Forest with large dry brush using circular motion
  4. Dry brush Elysian Green with large dry brush using circular motion
  5. Dry brush Ogryn Camo with small dry brush using up and down motion
  6. Dry brush Krieg Khaki with small dry brush on most extreme sections of model
  7. Glaze with 2:1 mix of Contrast Medium Gutrippa Flesh
Citadel Painting System 7
Base 1
  • Deathworld Forest
Shade 1
  • Athonian Camoshade
Layer 3
  • Elysian Green
  • Krieg Khaki
  • Ogryn Camo
Technical 1
  • Contrast Medium
Contrast 1
  • Gutrippa Flesh
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