Soulblight Gravelords Red

Soulblight Gravelords Red

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  • Published
    20 Mar 2024
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  1. Prime black with primer of choice (something Matt finish like Color Forge Matt Black)
  2. Airbrush Khorne Red as an initial gradient onto the cloth areas
  3. Airbrush bright gradient on top using Evil Sunz Scarlet
  4. Base coat metallics with Iron Warriors
  5. Selectively pick out areas of metallics with Retributor Armour
  6. Base coat bone areas with Zandri Dust
  7. Wash the silver metallics with Nuln Oil
  8. Wash gold metallics with Reikland Fleshshade
  9. Wash bone areas with Soft Tone
  10. Sponge on Leadbelcher onto silver metallics
  11. Randomly spot on/stripple Nihilakh Oxide onto golden metallics
  12. Higlight metallics with Stormhost Silver
  13. Highlight bone areas with Ushabti Bone