- Basecoat everything but shell with Metallic Medium and Black Brown . Wet blend that with a mixture of Metallic Medium and Green on the tips of the horns. Shade with Nuln Oil , add a few highlights with base coat and then drybrush with Dragon Bronze . Add a little Metallic Medium and Naga Green for horn highlights.
- Teet: Pale Yellow shaded with Agrax Earthshade .
- Shell base: Basecoat with Pale Yellow , shade with a little Agrax Earthshade and highlight with Pale Yellow . To clean up edges/mistakes, first use Bold Titanium White and then Pale Yellow .
- Bright blue shell: Basecoat with Turquoise , shade with Dark Turquoise , highlight with a mix of Bold Titanium White and Turquoise .
- Orange shell: Basecoat with Orange , shade with a mixture of Burnt Orange and Orange .
- Dark blue shell: Shade with Dark Jade , base with Jade , highlight with Bright Jade .
- Black shell: Coal Black .
- Base: Use Mountain Stone for stone, Naga Green and Mountain Stone for moss/grass. Highlight with Mountain Stone and Bold Titanium White for stone and Naga Green for moss. Flock the non-textured parts of the base with homemade flock and superglue.