Zoanthrope Brain

Zoanthrope Brain

  • Written by
  • Published
    16 Apr 2024
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Get you some sick glowing brain effects, white ink is the secret sauce.
I use Liquitex White Ink.

  1. Prime the brain in Wraithbone
  2. Apply a base layer of Screamer Pink to the entire brain
  3. Slide white ink into the recesses of the brain
  4. Carefully layer Temple Guard Blue into the recesses of the brain, and dry brush edges of recesses lightly
  5. Layer Emperor's Children onto exposed areas of brain and towards centre of brain
  6. Wash fleshy corners of brain with Carroburg Crimson
  7. Highlight central recesses of brain with white ink
  8. Highlight and clean up exposed areas of brain with Emperor's Children , add in some White Scar for smallest highlights

Starred by Mo

Citadel Painting System 6
Base 1
  • Screamer Pink
Shade 1
  • Carroburg Crimson
Layer 3
  • Emperor's Children
  • Temple Guard Blue
  • White Scar
Spray 1
  • Wraithbone
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