- Prime black.
- Map in uniforms using Silver Grey with some pants in Dark Brown and Neutral Grey .
- Paint shakos and cartridge pouches with Rubber Black and some with Dark Brown to reflect the cowskin covers the Saxons used.
- Paint backpacks with Dark Brown .
- Highlight uniforms using Ivory when white, Mud Brown when brown and Light Grey when grey.
- Highlight shakos with Basalt Grey and Mud Brown and cartridge pouches with Basalt Grey .
- Paint muskets with Tan Earth .
- Paint bedrolls with Neutral Grey .
- Highlight backpaks with Mud Brown .
- Paint in regiment's facing colour. Intermediate Green for green, x for blue, x for red and x for yellow.
- Paint in faces and hands with Basic Skin Tone .
- Paint bayonets with Natural Steel .
- Paint ground with Chocolate Brown .