Dark Red Kroot

Dark Red Kroot

  • Written by
  • Published
    16 Aug 2024
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL


  1. Prime with Mechanicus Standard Grey
  2. Zenithal highlight with Grey Seer


  1. Basecoat with Khorne Red
  2. Shade recesses with Nuln Oil
  3. Layer with a 50:50 mix of Khorne Red and Wazdakka Red
  4. Highlight with Wazdakka Red
  5. Highlight with a 50:50 mix of Wazdakka Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet


  1. Basecoat with Stegadon Scale Green
  2. Wash with Nuln Oil
  3. Layer with Stegadon Scale Green
  4. Highlight with Sotek Green
  5. Highlight with Ahriman Blue


  1. Paint the eye sockets with thinned Abaddon Black
  2. Layer the eyes with Flash Gitz Yellow


  1. Basecoat with Abaddon Black
  2. Highlight with Thunderhawk Blue

Warm leather

This is a slightly modified version of: https://paintpad.app/r/L0

  1. Basecoat with Doombull Brown
  2. Shade with Rhinox Hide
  3. Deep shade with a 50:50 mix of Abaddon Black and Rhinox Hide
  4. Layer with a mix of Doombull Brown and Skrag Brown
  5. Highlight with Skrag Brown
  6. Highlight with a 50:50 mix of Skrag Brown and Karak Stone

Dark leather

  1. Basecoat with Dryad Bark
  2. Shade with a 50:50 mix of Dryad Bark and Abaddon Black
  3. Highlight with a 50:50 mix of Dryad Bark and Gorthor Brown
  4. Fine highlight with Gorthor Brown

Light leather

  1. Basecoat with Zandri Dust
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade
  3. Layer with Zandri Dust
  4. Highlight with Ushabti Bone

Black leather

  1. Basecoat with Abaddon Black
  2. Highlight with Eshin Grey

Medium wood

  1. Basecoat with Steel Legion Drab
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade
  3. Layer with Steel Legion Drab
  4. Highlight and paint a wood texture with Baneblade Brown

Light wood

  1. Basecoat with Rakarth Flesh
  2. Wash with Seraphim Sepia
  3. Paint a wood texture with Flayed One Flesh


  1. Basecoat with Abaddon Black
  2. Layer with Leadbelcher
  3. Paint some random bits and bobs with Screaming Bell
  4. Wash with Nuln Oil
  5. Highlight with Stormhost Silver

Andy Pearson


Made Paint Pad. Paints T'au, Emperor's Children and whatever else distracts him.

Citadel Painting System 30
Base 10
  • Abaddon Black
  • Dryad Bark
  • Khorne Red
  • Leadbelcher
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Screaming Bell
  • Steel Legion Drab
  • Stegadon Scale Green
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 15
  • Ahriman Blue
  • Baneblade Brown
  • Doombull Brown
  • Eshin Grey
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Flash Gitz Yellow
  • Flayed One Flesh
  • Gorthor Brown
  • Karak Stone
  • Skrag Brown
  • Sotek Green
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Thunderhawk Blue
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Wazdakka Red
Spray 2
  • Grey Seer
  • Mechanicus Standard Grey
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