Blue skin, red hair, purple cloth, antique metal, amber bones, raw skin
Blue Skin
- Prime grey
- Base coat Celestra Grey
- All over spray of Coelia Greenshade
- Block in highlights with Celestra Grey
- Chunk highlight with Grey Seer
- Highlight with Ulthuan Grey
Red Hair
- Base with Khorne Red
- Highlight from the mid point to the point with Mephiston Red
- Glaze towards base with :Abaddon Black:
- Reestablish highlight of Mephiston Red
- Highlight towards point with Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Highlight point with Wild Rider Red
Amber Bones
- Base with XV-88
- Highlight with Tau Light Ochre
- Highlight with Morghast Bone
- Highlight with Ushabti Bone
- Highlight with Screaming Skull
Purple Cloth
- Base with Daemonette Hide
- Highlight with Slaanesh Grey
- Highlight with Warpfiend Grey
- Highlight with Ulthuan Grey
Antique Metal
- Base with Leadbelcher
- Highlight with Runefang Steel
- Highlight with Stormhost Silver
- Wash with Seraphim Sepia
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
- Reapply highlights to edges Runefang Steel
- Dot highlights of Stormhost Silver
Raw Skin
- Base with Bugman's Glow
- Glaze up with Kislev Flesh
- Glaze up with Rakarth Flesh
- Glaze up with Flayed One Flesh
- Light diluted share of Reikland Fleshshade as needed
- Glaze down with Bugman's Glow as needed
Blood Markings
- Watered down Blood For The Blood God
Morbheg Fur- Base Rhinox Hide
- Layer Mournfang Brown
- Highlight Gorthor Brown
- Base Tuskgor Fur
- Highlight 50:50 Tuskgor Fur and Kislev Flesh
- Wash with Carroburg Crimson
- Re-highlight with 50:50 Tuskgor Fur and Kislev Flesh
- Add Ulthuan Grey into mix for additional highlights until happy