
3 Kroot Skin Color Schemes by Cult of Paint

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  • Published
    19 Dec 2024
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A reference based on the method, order and paints used for the Kroot skin only off Cult of Paint's 3 Kroot Schemes, useful for those who do not like rewinding videos constantly.

The written recipe here does include substituted paints as this is really tailored to paints I own while staying as close to the original recipe as possible.

I highly recommend watching CoP's video first as this is just an accompanying reference guide for those like me who forget things easily.

Kroot Skin basic method

  1. Prime Grey Mechanicus Standard Grey
  2. Basecoat Mournfang Brown Thin with 2-3 drops of thinner per drop of paint
  3. Zenithal highlight/pre-shade the model from the top with Rakarth Flesh thin with 2 drops of thinner
  4. Skin 1 - Orangey Brown - layer with Mournfang Brown 2-3 drops of thinner
  5. Skin 2 - Light Green - layer with Loren Forest : 2-3 drops of thinner
  6. Skin 3 - Greyish Blue - Layer with Gryph-charger Grey

    Alternatively its probably ok to use Thunderhawk Blue Russ Grey or Fenrisian Grey I'm probably going to use Thunderhawk Blue here as i don't have Gryphcharger Grey and possibly mix in a small bit of macragge blue.

Wash - For all 3 skins

  1. Mix 50/50 Guilliman Flesh : & Lahmian Medium to make the contrast paint behave more like a wash and less like a contrast paint
  2. Apply wash all over the skin of each model, wick off any large pools of wash off with a brush

Optional texture

  1. Add a mixture of spots by gently dabbing the brush on raised focal points such as the tail, arms and parts of the legs.

    Skin 1 - Orangey Brown paint used Golgfag Brown
    Skin 2 - Light Green paint used Straken Green
    Skin 3 - Greyish Blue paint used Scale75 Caspian Blue

    Add in a little rakarth flesh and add more dots on key areas to give some variation.
Citadel Painting System 12
Base 2
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Rakarth Flesh
Layer 5
  • Fenrisian Grey
  • Loren Forest
  • Russ Grey
  • Straken Green
  • Thunderhawk Blue
Dry 1
  • Golgfag Brown
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Spray 1
  • Mechanicus Standard Grey
Contrast 2
  • Gryph-charger Grey
  • Guilliman Flesh
Scale75 Scalecolor
Scalecolor 1
  • SC-07 Caspian Blue
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