Base the mini with your preferred terrain, Prime with grey (krylon matte grey or rustoleum matte grey)
Basecoat green (1:1 Apple Barrel Marsh Green and Burnt Umber)
Wash the mini with a darkened version of the base color (add 2 parts of black to base color)
Heavily drybrush the mini with the base color again to bring the flatter areas back up to the right color. (may not be necessary if using an actual wash rather than watered down paint in the previous step.
Heavily drybrush a lighter green all over the model. (1:1:1 Apple barrel Palm Leaf and Nutmeg Brown, yellow flame). This can be split into 2 stages, leaving out the yellow at first, for a more gradual highlighting effect
Add red-brown camo splotches evenly distributed across the model. These splotches should imitate branches being more thin and spindly than actual spots. These should be spaced out enough that the model still shows a lot of the green from previous steps (Ceramcoat candy bar brown)
Add rounder dark green spots all over the mini, aim for roughly a 1:1 ratio with the number of brown spots added before, usually overlapping the brown a little bit. (1:1 Apple barrel Marsh green and Jet Black)
Add a thin black outline around all of the darker green spots to make them pop more (Apple barrel Jet Black)
Add groups of 3 small white dots to every large dark green spot. This breaks up the darker green/brown camo to make the model look better on the tabletop and represents small rocks or spots of light in a treeline. These should go near the edges of the dark green. (Apple barrel snow white)
Color any metallic areas such as gun barrels, exhaust vents, joints, in a silver color. (1:1 Apple barrel jet black, Citadel Ironbreaker). This is a good time to fill in any windows with a flat black color and any other areas that will receive jewelling.
Edge highlight anywhere that the dark green or brown splotches are on an edge. (Apple barrel marsh green for the dark green spots and Ceramcoat Red Iron oxide for the brown spots)
Add jewelling to any windows, cockpit, lasers and any other weapon effects such as flames or oxidization.
Basecoat the base of the mini with a dark brown (apple barrel burnt umber)
Heavily drybrush the base with a lighter brown (apple barrel nutmeg brown)
Lightly drybrush the base with an even lighter brown (apple barrel khaki)
Finish the base by coloring/drybrushing any rocks with greys (apple barrel pewter grey and folk art steel grey) then apply a clearcoat (krylon flat crystal clear)
Finally add static grass using a toothpick to apply elmers white glue then pinching some static grass between your fingers and pressing against the glue, allowing some of the grass to stick.