Prime In grey/black
Basecoat with 5:1 Christmas green (Apple Barrel) to Jet Black (Apple Barrel)
Black wash all over, touch up basecoat if too dark
Highlight panels with light green (3:1 or 4:1? palm leaf(apple barrel) to flame yellow (apple barrel)
Highlight panels and some trimming with pure gold (folk art). Do less gold than light green highlights. Maybe between 1/2 ad 2/3 as much gold as green
Silver weapon details
Panel lining over whole mini. Add a bit of white to the base colors and thin the paint a bit
Cockpit and weapon jewelling
Number decals: Add white numbering to front of mech's left leg and side of right shoulder
Insignia Decals: The insignia is a burning yin-yang on top of a light blue (apple barrel pool blue) triangular field.
Dragon Decals Part 1 (basecoat): Add a dragon curling around the mechs right leg, or right side somewhere if legs are unreasonable. Possibly add other dragons like on claws (king crab) or faces (banshee/atlas). Start by drawing a snaking red (apple barrel bright red) body where the dragon will go. Do this with red dots rather than solid strokes initially, starting with the head and working your way around to the tail adding in arms/legs as you go. Try to get the head/forelegs and tail/backlegs sections both on the outside of the mech's leg so they are the most visible.
Dragon Decals Part 2 (Detailing): Go back over the basecoat with red, using the same dotting technique until it is sufficiently bright. The body should be fairly solid red, but some of the dots should show through looking like scales (it's not critical to get this effect). Then adding claws, eyes, teeth and a yellow (apple barrel flame yellow) mustache. Put down white (to prepare for yellow) spikes along the back and tail, then paint yellow over top of the white. Add strokes of pink along the belly separated slightly to look like stripes. Finally outline everything in a thin black line, separating legs, and head to give some depth
Base the model with sparse rocks & baking soda
Basecoat the base with a dark red/brown (ceramcoat candy bar)
Wash base with dark brown (apple barrel burnt umber with a bit of jet black)
drybrush with the base color (ceramcoat candy bar), then rust (ceramcoat iron oxide), then lighten that color and drybrush again, but more lightly
Line base with black
Finish with a matte clear spray (krylon crystal clear matte)
Sample Mech
Sample skull/animal face mechs. Cover the whole head in red. Cockpit jeweling is green. Add a yellow pignose and moustache curling off to the sides. Orange eyebrows. Light blue triangles lined in darker blue simulating fur or spikes around the top of the head. White teeth and horns where appropriat. For some mechs I've sculpted horns out of greenstuff, others they're just painted on.