Battletech: 8th Crucis Lancers

Battletech: 8th Crucis Lancers

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  • Published
    16 Apr 2020
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Mostly followed this:

  1. Prime in grey
  2. Base coat an olive drab green: 2 palm leaf: 1 christmas green : 1 Burnt umber
  3. Wash with the basecoat color above adding 2 parts of jet black
  4. Drybrush heavily with palm leaf, then lighter with 1 palm leaf: 1 yellow flame: 1/2 or 1 white
  5. Do color blocks for grey (folk art steel grey) and red (apple barrel bright red). Calves usually get outsides grey with red centers. Shoulder pads usually get 1/2 red 1/2 grey with grey on outside. Center torso/waist should follow panels trying to get a strip of red flanked by grey
  6. Wash with diluted jet black
  7. Highlight grey panels and red panels with heavily base colors, then lightened base colors
  8. Line cockpit in the grey, fill windows with copper metallic
  9. Add weapon details
  10. Add fed suns,crucis 8th, numbers and other decals