Here is how I painted the big daddy Genestealer for my Broodcoven. This is the traditional Genestealer scheme and could easily be used on the standard Tyranids, Genestealer Cults or Acolyte models.
Genestealer Shell
- Basecoat with 1:1 Kantor Blue and Abaddon Black .
- In the very deepest recesses, shade with some thinned Abaddon Black .
- Glaze the majority of the shell with Kantor Blue , pulling your brush towards where highlights should be.
- Add edge highlights to everything with Sotek Green . In tight areas, keep them pretty fine, but make them nice and chunky around corners, curved edges and placed that would catch more light.
- Edge highlight all of the areas that got chunky highlights with fine edge highlight using Temple Guard Blue .
- Selectively highlight corners, curves and points with 1:1 Temple Guard Blue and Screaming Skull .
- Finish with very small specular highlights of Screaming Skull , where you want the shell to glint.
Genestealer Skin
- Basecoat: Warpfiend Grey & Genestealer Purple 3:1
Shade: Druchi Violet
Highlight: Warpfiend Grey
Highlight: Slaanesh Grey
Highlight: Slaanesh Grey & White 1:1 - Basecoat with 3:1 Warpfiend Grey and Genestealer Purple .
Where the neck meet the shell on the chest, I glazed it down by adding some Xereus Purple , then more selectively with pure Xereus Purple . I did this before the wash stage to keep everything unified.
Heat Vents
I followed the same method for the 'Genestealer Skin' on this element, with one difference. When it came to the shading, I washed it with 2:1 Druchii Violet and Volupus Pink , then highlighted as normal.
Patriarch Brain
- Basecoat: Genestealer Purple
Highlight: Add Ungor Flesh to Basecoat
Highlight: Add Ushabti Bone to previous mix
Glaze: Thin glazes of Screamer Pink, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Liche Purple, Naggaroth Night
Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.